The office Bau­e­reig­nis was foun­ded in 2007 by Katha­ri­na Süt­ter­lin (Dipl. Ing. archi­tect, car­pen­ter) and Susan­ne Wag­ner (Dipl. Ing. inte­ri­or design). They came to know each other at the Nür­ti­gen pri­ma­ry school in Ber­lin Kreuz­berg which both their child­ren atten­ded. The for­mat of today´s pro­jects finds its roots in the first pro­jects Katha­ri­na and Susan­ne lead tog­e­ther at the school back then. What star­ted out as paren­tal com­mit­ment soon beca­me a full-time pro­fes­sio­nal occu­pa­ti­on in the design of school spaces.

Sin­ce 2018, we are plea­sed to recei­ve an annu­al sub­s­idy from the Ber­lin Sena­te for Edu­ca­ti­on, Youth and Fami­ly: the con­tri­bu­ti­ons sup­port our work in cul­tu­ral edu­ca­ti­on as well as our con­sul­tancy ser­vices for manage­ment teams.

Bau­e­reig­nis’ work is cer­ti­fied with the seal “beson­ders ent­wick­lungs­för­dernd” (high­ly deve­lo­p­ment sup­port­i­ve) within the cate­go­ry “Räu­me, die bewe­gen” (spaces which move and make a dif­fe­rence). You may find the report here.

Bau­e­reig­nis is invi­ted to pre­sent its work during con­gres­ses, semi­nars and work­shops nati­on­wi­de. We pro­vi­de regu­lar advice for the pro­ces­ses con­cer­ning school deve­lo­p­ment. Katha­ri­na Süt­ter­lin was a mem­ber of the issue group com­mis­sio­ned to stu­dy the enhance­ment of school space qua­li­ty (“Fach­ar­beits­grup­pe Schul­raum­qua­li­tät, FAG-SRQ). The group was brought tog­e­ther by the Ber­lin Sena­tor for Edu­ca­ti­on San­dra Schee­res. The paper issued trend­set­ting recom­men­da­ti­ons for the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of Ber­lin schools. Bau­e­reig­nis is curr­ent­ly on the advi­so­ry com­mit­tee deve­lo­ping the tem­p­la­te on how Berlin´s new schools should be furnished.