
We ana­ly­se the spa­ti­al poten­ti­al of exis­ting school buil­dings and advi­se schools on how to alle­via­te the stress lin­ked to the rising num­bers of pupils. First of all, we con­duct on-site visits and obser­ve the school´s dai­ly life. In a second step, we exami­ne the gathe­red infor­ma­ti­on with the school prin­ci­pal, the day-care prin­ci­pal, and the par­ents. Tog­e­ther we defi­ne the prio­ri­ties, the respon­si­bi­li­ties and a time­ta­ble for their rea­li­sa­ti­on. Next steps and future deve­lo­p­ments are envisioned.