Participatory Construction Workshops

Sit­ting … now how does that work?

We offer Sit­ting Work­shops tog­e­ther with the body the­ra­pist Mari­ta Hal­ler. The work­shops are sui­ta­ble for both pedago­gues and school­child­ren. First as a group and then indi­vi­du­al­ly, we obser­ve how we sit, lie down or stand up and how our own body reacts to the various pos­tu­res. The expe­ri­ments are lead using the school fur­ni­tu­re at hand as well as dif­fer­ent­ly sized woo­den blocks. The work­shop encou­ra­ges to put into imme­dia­te use per­so­nal fin­dings and to chan­ge our pos­tu­re when we work during lessons.

The Sit­ting Work­shops are inspi­red by the work and insights of Esla Gind­ler and her pupils.